Brittany of Tangled and True asked me to be a guest blogger today. Huh? What? Someone actually wants me talking to their readers - poor thing, she must not know how un-cool I am.
Thanks Brittany, I'm honored!
She wanted me to share my milk and cookies party with her readers. So you have all seen the pictures before, but go check it out anyway and leave Brittany some blog love! Her blog is way cool by the way. I saw some pretty inspiring things over there.... hello cute St. Patty's Day idea! I'll definitely be checking in regularly.

And more on the milk and cookies party... This party has a life of it's own huh!? I find myself trying to keep up with it instead of the other way around. (I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten asking about that party.) Anyway, yesterday I was like a giddy school girl when I saw it featured on Party Perfect. My jaw dropped. I am so excited! This might sound stupid, but that's like winning a Oscar in my book! Anyone that has worked at Martha Stewart is uber-popular, aka A-list celebrity to me. Thanks for the shout out Sara! Check it out here.
Finally had a chance to get updated and lady, you have got to stop being surprised at how impressed everyone is with you! You are always an inspiration to me!