To date, I have never planned a Hollywood party, but I have made a cake appropriate to share with this post. It was for a 70th birthday party and the birthday boy loved old Hollywood and the Rat Pack. As you can see, I included old movie reels, red carpet, stars, the Hollywood sign, old clapboards, filmstrip, and for the Rat Pack, I spelled out all the original members names.
I also had a cake order last month for a little girl's glitter and glamour birthday party. It was held at a local children's salon and all the party guests got their hair done and nails painted. Just the thing for six year olds! Anyway, here is the cake I made for that.
So back to event plans, the obvious details that come to mind for a Hollywood glamour party are a black and white color scheme, glitter, bling, boas, black and white photos, red carpet, etc. Other details I think would be fun are huge feather plumes, top hats for the boys, and what about a backdrop behind the red carpet for guests to have their picture taken like real celebrities. You could even design a logo specific to your event (in this case something with the #1 involved).
This couple had a red carpet backdrop customized for their wedding. What a great idea! An interactive station for your guests.

Image via Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961

No, way! Look at this top hat light fixture!!!! Wouldn't that be adorable say over the cake or something!? I realize it is probably pretty expensive for a one time event, but it looks like a pretty easy DIY project. I'm pretty sure there are do-it-yourself lighting kits at any of the big box stores (Home Depot, Lowe's, maybe even Wal-mart) Ikea even had a cord and bulb system a while back that you could easily put into a hole you cut out of the top. I HAVE to find an event to use this. Source

Look at these little top hat favor boxes. So cute! Notice the little black dress place cards they have too - perfect for a Hollywood glamor dinner party. Or Oscar party? Photo source
Boxes available here. I realize they are from the UK, but I couldn't find any source here in the US.

What about this for the birthday girl to sit in!? A little child's sized director chair. Source

And finally, what about having an old classic black and white movie playing on a large backdrop/screen. The adults would love this!
Anyone else have any inspiration, ideas or images? Come on, share! So Jillmarie, I hope this helps you. We would all love to see your daughter's party when it's all done. Send some pictures! Happy entertaining!
What about the photos on the red carpet or a photo booth with everyone wearing boas and these movie star looking sunglasses for kids from Baby Gap:
I love that first cake!
Kim @
party inspiration
Hi, I'm Lanie Mckinney, Denise Mckinney's daughter. Do you remember me? I love your blog. I was wondering if you had any good ideas for me turning double digits. I'm nine, and I want to have an awesome 10th birthday party. Last year, I did a music video, and that was a sucess, and we think it will be a sleepover. I love the mailing tube idea and the wishing tree. That's kind of why I'm trying to stick to a wish/dream theme. Can you help me?
Going with the idea Anne had for the photo with the backdrop, you could have every guest take a photo with the birthday girl. You could then send that picture in everyone's thank you notes.
Thanks Anne! It's Lanie again. Thanks for the great ideas! I had to cut the list down to make it in the budget range. But all of the ideas got me going and I found more great ideas. Thanks again.
- Lanie
I am doing an Hollywood party for my daughter and I am having a hard time trying to fine fun activities to do for five year old children any ideas any one
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