As any good domestic-diva-wanna-be, I'm pretty obsessed with Martha. It's a healthy obsession, I promise! Knowing this, my friend Laurie surprised me for my birthday with tickets to The Martha Stewart Show. We had such a great time and I can't wait to do it again!!!! Being so close to the city, I have to resolve to take advantage of this more often, right!? Anyway, here are the details and pictures from our day.
Since some of you have asked for
all the details, I'll start at the very beginning. But be warned, all the details yields a long post! Here it goes... We recieved an email from the show giving us
very specific rules on what you could and could not wear - mainly what you could not wear. This is all for the cameras apparently - bright colors show up best. We were surprised at how strict the rules were, but after seeing what people still showed up wearing, we then understood the very direct "suggestions". One lady behind us showed up in head-to-toe black (a
major no, no by the way). The email said no black, gray, tan, etc. So the whole head-to-toe get-up got her a few glares. They brought her a bright chartreuse colored scarf to cover up with. So, if you go, make sure to follow the rules or they will "change" your look.
As we round the corner from the train we saw it. The sign!!! As we got in line, we were told compliementery beverages and food were available. See that blue truck in the photo? It was supplied by the show to fill our tummies. Yummy! Laurie and I had hot cocoa and bagels. Thanks Martha!
Next, we waited in line until the doors were opened at 12:30 for our 2:00 taping. We entered, showed our id, received our seating assignment, went through security and deposited our coats at the coat check. Then we sat in a "holding room". While there, we signed release forms and went to the restroom one last time - once in the studio you can't get up so you better go potty now! While waiting, we watched past Martha shows on the tv and looked at all the beautiful photos of Martha and her products gracing the bright white walls. So clean - So Martha! Here are a few pictures from the holding room.

On my trip to the restroom, I had a nice surprise! When I turned the corner to the ladies room there was a line - shocker I know! I was standing there and all the sudden a tall, blonde woman came through a door. All I could see was the back of her head - I wondered "is it her?" My line mates probably thought I was a little looney because as I saw her, I just put my arm up and pointed. No words came out of my mouth. Finally she turned around and it was her - MARTHA! I've never been so happy to have to stand in line for the woman's restroom before.
While we continued to wait in the holding room, we were greeted by one of Martha's dogs. A
beautiful chow. He was so friendly!!! He moved fast, hence the fuzzy photos!
Next came in Joey, the warm up guy. He is hilarious!!!! If you want to check out some of his comedy skits just google him. Joey Kola = FUNNY! He taught us how to clap - yes, there is a correct way to clap! He also taught us the proper way to yummm, ewwww, and ahhhh during the show. He really reved up the crowd. (More on Joey later.)
Now it was time to go upstairs to the studio. We were called by different sections (some numbers, some colors). We were in the blue line section - whatever that means!? They showed us to our seats - middle section, second row up. They were fantastic seats! We could see everything. All the people on the floor (which were special guests or family of the staff) really couldn't see much. While they were recording, all four cameras were right in front of them! I felt sorry for them - so much for being a special guest.
Here is a shot as we were walking in. So surreal! The studio is HUGE! Unlike so many other shows, her studio is big. And beautiful! We were allowed to take pictures before and after the show - absolutely not during for obvious reasons.
Look at all the lights, cameras, equipment, etc. Amazing huh!?
Even though we were there for a future show, they taped as if it was live. They would count down commercial breaks and everything. During commercial breaks, Joey would rev up the crowd with little giveaways. I managed to come away with a set of measuring spoons. As you all know, I can use those!
There was 6 segments taped. Two segments were of roast chicken recipes from the January Living magazine. Two segments were crafts - 1) borax crystal snowflakes and 2) wool felted baby building blocks. The last two segments were related to UL industries. We watched a video about the company and what they do. It was very interesting. As Martha spoke to the president of UL, the audience was given new smoke alarm / carbon dioxide detetors from Home Depot. Not the greatest of giveaways, but that's not what we went for. We did hear that the show that taped before us got $400 Breville juicers. WOW! During the show, they did have to re-tape a couple of parts of one of the segments. Martha messed up one word while reading the teleprompter. She said wood instead of wool. And the other re-tape was about the sewing of the felt blocks. The crafter showing Martha how to do it, had to show the technique again and explain it in simpler terms.
After the completed show, Martha had to record a couple of readings for various things. One was a "thanks for your hard work and sorry I can't be there" kind of message for a upcoming event that she wasn't going to be able to attend due to scheduling conflicts. The other was a reading about her new mattresses coming out in conjunction with Serta. After the readings, she finally was able to ease up a bit and talk to the audience. She has to be "on" ALL the time. We were then allowed to pull our camera back out and take a few more photos. She took a few questions from the audience, but then had to go. We would have loved to hear her talk all day, but she's a busy woman and has stuff to do.
This last shot is of the "other" Joey - the stage manager. Again a very nice guy. He's telling the other Joey "only time for one more question".
After the show and after grabbing a bite to eat, Laurie and I headed back to the train. Guess who we ran into!? Joey the warm-up guy! We talked to him for a bit and he was
so nice! What a great guy! He apologized for not having better giveaways for us, but like I said, I wasn't going for the giveaways. I thought it was sure nice that he felt bad for us though.
So there you have it, our trip to the Martha Show. I can't wait to do it again! Who wants to go with me??